The MapAll team win the Highly Commended award for the best new gamechanger Innovation category.
The show took place in October 2019 and was the perfect place for the MapAll team to introduce our incredible new system to the telecoms market.

The broadband World Forum has evolved from a pure fixed operator audience to include cable, mobile and converged operators all under one roof. The event was held in the RAI conference centre over 3 days and with multiple keynote speeches and expert workshops happening daily made for a very busy time.

Our team had the opportunity to speak with high level executes from companies like Deutsche Telekom, Telefonica, Orange, Comcast, Telecom Egypt and Vodafone. The Broadband World Forum is the number one event for the fixed network community and one of the best events to network with and learn from global leaders and experts in telecommunications.
“The Broadband World Forum in three words: exciting, innovative and busy”Flavio Nunes – Head of Development MapAll